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Foto del escritorJuan Carlos Erdozain Rivera, MBA


Actualizado: 4 ago 2019

Sometimes life surprises us in different ways and through the people from whom we least expect it.

John Bolton despite his great experience, committed in recent days two serious errors:

1) National security adviser John Bolton appeared to disclose confidential notes written on a yellow pad Monday that included a plan to send U.S. troops to Colombia amid escalating tensions with Venezuela: "5,000 troops to Colombia," read one line on Bolton's notepad , raising questions about whether the Trump administration is about to dispatch armed forces to that South American country.

2) The mentioned yellow pad, is a product manufactured by "Tops Products" one of the largest office and stationery companies in the United States whose headquarters is in Chicago. Obviously, these two errors created a great controversy in all the media about the supposed invasion of Venezuela and another one among the top executives of "Tops Products", who must be wondering if having appeared accidentally in the photo, will help or hurt the image of her brand.

Until now, it is not known if Tops Products gave John Bolton a yellow pad in exchange for royalties from Tops Products, or if it was a simple marketing strategy, where some manager of the Washington area company, He donated yellow pads to the White House and the rest was a happy coincidence for Tops Products.

Any way, if you need yellow pads, you can make contact on their website:

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